Their words say it all, so well done and keep up the good work

Hi All
We received this wonderful acknowledgement of the great work you do for the most vulnerable in our society. While I have removed some of the client’s details (out of respect to her family) the majority of the content of the email is included below, as its important your great work is both acknowledged and recognoised.
“Dear Mr. Connern,
We, the family of our beloved and beautiful Mother, XXXXXXXXX, who passed on October , 2022, want to let you know about the wonderful, compassionate, loving, kind and extraordinary employees who work for you and your agency, A Ghra. Not only did they come into our home to provide exceptional care to our parents, mostly to our Mom, but the manner in which they carried out that care was something to behold. We care about these wonderful people and love them and consider them an extension of our family. They go about their day, always doing for others and asking nothing in return, and I don’t believe these “angels” among us, who care for others, get the recognition and thanks they so rightfully deserve and need. We are deeply indebted to all those who cared for Mam over the past number of years as her health declined. Their dedication, professionalism, compassion and kindness was something to behold and we want to thank – Noreen, Clodagh, Margaret, Mary, Fiona, Pauline and all those others who cared for Mam from time to time. We are blessed as a community to have such dedicated individuals who live among us providing such care to our loved ones. This is done in such a quite and un obtrusive way.”